DBC Photo Contest Submission Form
All DBC Members are invited to submit images for the Spring 2022 DBC Photo Contest, which runs through May 31, 2022. By completing this form the member agrees to allow DBC to display their image(s) in Drummings (newsletter), their website, and other social media sites. If images of people are in the picture, the submitter must have permission from those people to publish their image online.
barbdougan@gmail.com Switch account
The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form. Your email is not part of your response.
DBC Member Name *
Email *
Species of Bird(s) in Photo *
Where was the picture taken? *
Catchy Caption - Enter a caption or title you would like displayed with your pictures. (Optional)
Narrative - Tell us about your picture - what's the story behind the shot?  Include any information the judges might need to fully appreciate your shot. *
Click the button below to upload your file.  You must have your Google Account open  in your Browser to proceed (i.e. Gmail is active in your Browser).   *
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