DuPage Birding Club


A Brief Overview of the DBC

Founded in 1985, the DuPage Birding Club is nationally known as one of the largest and most active birding groups in Illinois. Our mission is to promote birding among our 400+ members and the general public through field experiences and education that focus on the various habitats in DuPage County, the greater Chicago area, and other regional hotspots.  We welcome birders of all skill levels and interest.

ABOVE: Phothonotary Warbler. Photo by Diann Bilderback.


Promoting birding in DuPage County and the greater Chicagoland area.

Join us in making birding an experience!

Learn from guest speakers and members at our meetings.

Join us on one of our 100 plus field trips each year.

Explore DuPage County birding hotspots and resources.

DBC YouTube Channel

Identify your warblers, cuckoos, thrushes, owls, blackbirds, ducks, and more.
Learn about bird identification basics, binoculars, migration, and more.
Hone listening skills for thrushes, flycatchers, grassland birds, and more.

Upcoming Meeting

March 13, 2025 - 7:00 PM, In-Person and Via Zoom

Topic: Members Night

Presenters: DBC Members

Location: College of DuPage (see below)

Pink Cockatoo. Photo by Diann Bilderback

The annual DuPage Birding Club Members' Night will be Thursday, March 13 at 7:00 p.m. As a reminder, this will be our first meeting at College of DuPage (see sidebar for further details). We have an exciting lineup of bird pictures and stories from all over the world, including Australia, Europe, and the Americas. You won't want to miss hearing about all of the exciting adventures our presenters have gone on!

 This meeting will be held with both an in-person and Zoom option. Register for the Zoom session here:
https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/uOCqPZtKQomcFKFdsRrBYA. If attending in person, we will be meeting at College of DuPage in the Health Science Center, room HSC1234. We're looking forward to seeing you all there!

Upcoming Field Trips

Registration May Be Required

Happy 40th Birthday to DBC!

It's a milestone year for the DuPage Birding Club! On January 14, the Club will have been in existence for 40 years! That's pretty impressive longevity for an all-volunteer organization whose members belong simply (and ...

Recent News

Members’ Night March 13: Call for Presenters

The DuPage Birding Club’s annual Members’ Night will be held on Thursday, March 13, in person and via Zoom. All DuPage Birding Club photographers are invited to share their favorite bird photos and stories with fellow members. The photos can be from anywhere, and any level of photographic expertise is invited! Presenters will have the option of presenting in person or remotely via Zoom. Each presentation will be limited to 10 minutes, so please be selective and limit yourself to something you can cover in that window (typically 10-15 images is a good guideline). We will have time for up […]

Great Backyard Bird Count – February 14-17

If the Christmas Bird Count was just too cold and daunting for you, February 14-17 offers a more agreeable opportunity and a second chance to get involved in Community Science. The Great Backyard Bird Count, sponsored by Cornell Labs and Birds Canada, invites you to sit back with a hot cup of Joe in your snuggly slippers and count the birds you see in your own backyard. Over the four days of the count, spend at least 15 minutes on one day to record what you see  happening out your window. Share your Merlin Bird ID(s), eBird checklist(s), or photos, […]

The Year in Birds: A Look Back at 2024’s Birding Highlights

As many of you know, DBC’s own Jeff Reiter authors the popular Words on Birds column in the Daily Herald. Jeff’s fun end-of-year review captures 2024’s important local conservation successes and birding highlights. The latter included about a dozen rare bird sightings within DuPage County, including a very cooperative Sage Thrasher at Hidden Lake who stayed on sight for days, which prompted then President Robert Perez to ask members whether there was anyone in the room who hadn’t seen the Thrasher! For the full story, visit Jeff’s blog at https://wordsonbirds.blogspot.com/

Finally, It’s Official: The Bald Eagle Is America’s National Bird

Most everyone recognizes the Bald Eagle as America’s national bird. It first appeared in 1782 on the Great Seal, a symbol of American strength and sovereignty as a nation. But the fact is that it just officially became our national bird on Christmas Eve 2024, when President Biden signed a bipartisan bill designating the Bald Eagle as the official bird of the United States. We can all heartily endorse this acknowledgment, notwithstanding one of our forefather’s objections-Ben Franklin thought the Bald Eagle was “a bird of bad moral character” since it is known to steal food from other birds. Franklin […]

News from the Forest Preserve

Avian Flu: Avian Flu incidents are being monitored carefully by the District. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has advised citizens to report any sightings of five or more dead birds to their local IDNR representative and to avoid handling any sick or deceased birds. In DuPage, contact Nicky Strahl at nicky.strahl@illinois.gov. Pratt’s Wayne Woods-Southeast: During closed session the DuPage County Forest Preserve Board discussed the acquisition through negotiation or condemnation of a parcel known as “Pratt’s Wayne Wood-Southeast” by the Forest Preserve District. This parcel is 43 acres with over 200 oak trees, some exceeding 200 years old and […]

Become a member today and join the DuPage Birding Club!

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