DuPage Birding Club


A Brief Overview of the DBC

Founded in 1985, the DuPage Birding Club is nationally known as one of the largest and most active birding groups in Illinois. Our mission is to promote birding among our 400+ members and the general public through field experiences and education that focus on the various habitats in DuPage County, the greater Chicago area, and other regional hotspots.  We welcome birders of all skill levels and interest.

ABOVE: Phothonotary Warbler. Photo by Diann Bilderback.


Promoting birding in DuPage County and the greater Chicagoland area.

Join us in making birding an experience!

Learn from guest speakers and members at our meetings.

Join us on one of our 100 plus field trips each year.

Explore DuPage County birding hotspots and resources.

DBC YouTube Channel

Identify your warblers, cuckoos, thrushes, owls, blackbirds, ducks, and more.
Learn about bird identification basics, binoculars, migration, and more.
Hone listening skills for thrushes, flycatchers, grassland birds, and more.

Upcoming Meeting

October 10, 2024- 7:00 PM - In-Person and via Zoom

Topic: Red-headed Woodpeckers and the Importance of Oak Systems

Presenter: Adriana Yoder, Ph.D. student at University of Missouri and Recipient of DBC Grant

Join us for our October DBC Meeting where we will hear from Adrianna Yoder, a Ph.D. student at the University of Missouri in St. Louis. Addy started her ongoing research at DePaul University two years ago studying Red-headed Woodpeckers and oak reproduction in the Chicagoland region. For this research, she was awarded an Illinois Ornithological Society grant funded by the DuPage Birding Club in Spring 2023.

Addy has presented her work at several conferences across the U.S. and Canada. Previously, Addy earned her bachelor's degree from Case Western Reserve University in Biology and Biochemistry, and during her time, she discovered her passion for studying animal behavior. We will hear the details of her research, which centers on the woodpecker’s tree cavity use
and the role of acorns on their overwintering behavior in northeastern Illinois.

We hope that you can join us for this hybrid meeting on Thursday, October 10, at 7:00 pm. Adrianna will speak to the group via Zoom. To register for the virtual meeting, click

The In-person Meeting will be held at Faith Lutheran Church (41 Park Boulevard, Glen Ellyn). Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting starts at 7:00 pm .

Please join us for a premeeting dinner at Ellyn’s Tap and Grill (940 Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137) from 5:30-6:30pm. Come mingle with your fellow birders before the official meeting!

Upcoming Field Trips

Registration May Be Required

The DBC Needs YOU: 2025 Leadership Opportunities

Speaking of volunteers, as fall weather arrives, we turn to the future and planning for 2025. Do you have a few extra hours a month to give back to the DBC? Our continued success depends ...

Recent News

Annual Membership Renewal Time

It’s time to renew your dues for next year! Your annual membership dues for 2025 are due by December 31, 2025. Dues remain $20 for individuals, $30 for families and $10 for students. Please note that any new member joining on or after September 1 is automatically registered for the following year. Your dues fund our annual operations and support a broad range of activities, including field trips, interesting speakers, research grants, and proactive community outreach. Help us stay strong! Your 2025 dues may now be paid in any of the following ways: 1. On-line through our website using PayPal […]

DBC’s Summer 2024 Photography Contest Winners!

DBC’s Summer 2024 photo contest winners have been finalized! The entries were judged by Andie Duffy, Steve Constantelos, Natalie McFaul, Thelma Hulka and Mike Warner. Because of the variety and quality of the submissions, the committee had a very tough time deciding on which pictures to recognize; the committee would like to thank all the photographers for their entries. Go to Members Photo Gallery to see the winning photos.

In Case You Missed It: Illinois Peregrines—From Decline to Recovery

Presented by Mary Hennen, Director, Chicago Peregrine Program, Bird Division, The Field Museum We heard the fascinating story of the recovery of Peregrine Falcons in the Chicago area. Once on the Endangered Species List and extirpated in Illinois from 1951 until 1986, the Peregrine Falcon population is now past historic levels. Listen to the full presentation and learn how this now urban bird has adapted to living among us: https://youtu.be/euHcxwbq_yI For more information on Illinois Peregrines, be sure to check out the Illinois Peregrine Website and follow them on Facebook!

DuPage Birding Club’s Fall ’24 Photo Contest Now Open!

The DBC is looking for pictures of birds taken between September 1, 2024, and November 30, 2024. All photos are welcome: amateur, funny, imperfect, high-quality. The “story behind the shot” is taken into account when judging. The judges want this to be a fun contest; no categories have been predefined for award winners so every entry has a chance to win! Note: the judges ask that you limit the number of photos entered to five or less. They usually do not give out more than one award to the same author if they submit multiple images. The contest is open […]

Birding and Breakfast was a Blast!

A good time was had by all at DBC’s annual Birding and Breakfast event on Saturday, August 3, at Herrick Lake Forest Preserve. We enjoyed beautiful, bug-free weather, caught up with friends old and new, enjoyed Starbucks brew and lots of breakfast goodies, and saw a few birds. Almost 50 people attended the event, showing that folks are eager to reconnect again.

Become a member today and join the DuPage Birding Club!

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