DBC Book Club


Welcome to the DBC Book Club

Welcome to the DBC Club, where birders who are readers can share their thoughts about books that explore birds, birding, and related nature topics. The DBC Book Club is open to all members and will meet several times a year for a social evening during which we can talk about the selected book.

202312 - DBC Book Club-The Birdway by J. Ackerman

Next Meeting

February 27, 2024

The Bird Way: A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent and Think

By Jennifer Ackerman

This book explores the many strategies birds use to communicate, forage, court, breed, and survive, including fascinating behaviors like manipulation, deception, collaboration, altruism, teaching, and more. It holds a treasure trove of learning that is sure to enhance an appreciation of our avian friends.

If you’d like to participate in an upcoming book club discussion, please email us at dupagebirdingclub@gmail.com. The DBC Book Club is open to all members.

Other Books We’ve Read

A Wing and a Prayer

A Wing and a Prayer: The Race to Save our Vanishing Birds

By Anders and Beverly Gyllenhaal

The book detailed the Gyllenhaals’ year-long road trip to visit bird conservation sites in the U.S. Living out of an Airstream trailer, they drove over 25,000 miles to see for themselves the people who are working feverishly to save endangered bird species. At each stop they chronicled the extraordinary efforts being used to prevent the loss of species such as the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow and the California Spotted Owl. This was a truly inspiring read for participants, who appreciated the great lengths some have gone to protect threatened birds.

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