eBird Resources

eBird.org is an invaluable companion to the birder exploring our county. Many hotspots are cited with recent data. The DuPage Birding Club maintains a listing so you can see what birds have been seen on club field trips. The eBird Illinois Rare Bird Alert will tell you when rarities show up at various locales in the state, and the eBird DuPage County Rare Bird Alert will tell you when rarities show up in DuPage.

Also check out the introductory tutorial on using eBird’s mobile application, courtesy of The Harris Center and an expert from Antioch University in New Hampshire. This YouTube tutorial will teach the basics of the eBird app (versus the eBird website) and how to do everything from recording sightings to looking up birds in a particular area or finding regional hotspots. For those who are new to eBird, this is an informative workshop. eBird for Beginners

For accessibility information for hotspots all over the world, check out the work-in-progress Birdability Map from National Audubon and Birdability.org at https://gis.audubon.org/birdability/.

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