2021 Members’ Night Call for Presenters: Show Us What You’ve Seen!

The DuPage Birding Club’s annual Members’ Night is back! It will be via Zoom on Thursday, March 11, 2021, and all DuPage Birding Club photographers are invited to share their favorite bird photos and stories with fellow members. The photos can be from any birding location—and all levels of photographic expertise will be enjoyed by club members.

Each presentation is limited to 10 minutes, so please be very selective and limit yourself to 10 to 15 images to share. We will only have time to show approximately 10 presentations. To make sure the evening goes smoothly, we ask that presenters adhere to these steps which are slightly different than previous years. If you have never presented on Zoom, don’t let that stop you! It is actually pretty easy and we can guide you through it.  


Submissions will be accepted starting on February 15. Coordinate submission with Natalie McFaul by email, nmcfaul@dupagebirding.org. Please include the Presenter’s Name, Presentation Title, Number of pictures or slides (not including titles and separators), and a few words describing your presentation. 


After approval from Natalie, put your pictures in a slide show format. It can be any slide show format you choose: Google Slides, Keynote, PowerPoint, etc. You will be presenting over Zoom from your own computer. Practice and time your presentation--remember you are limited to 10 minutes!  

If you do not have access to a slide show format you can put your photos in a folder and present them from the folder.  Contact Natalie for specific information on how to do this.  


The first week of March (on a date we can all agree on)  we will do a quick practice run via Zoom. If you are confident and comfortable doing a Zoom presentation, you can skip this. If you are new to presenting on Zoom, you will have a chance to practice sharing your screen and presenting.  

Please email Natalie nmcfaul@dupagebirding.org if you have any questions.  

Thank you and see you March 11!

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