DBC May Meeting and Field Trips Canceled through June 12

Hello fellow birders, once again, the DBC Board has been weighing the Covid-19 issue, and the impact that it might have on our members and birding activities.  The health and well-being of our members is very important to us.

Your Board has elected to use an approach of rolling cancellations so that when the Covid-19 restrictions are finally lifted we will have field trips in place and ready for your participation.  At this time, we have decided that it is in the best interest of our membership to go ahead and cancel all field trips from now until June 12.

Current state restrictions requiring that we all shelter at home means we will also have to cancel our May meeting.  We will be making every effort to reschedule speakers so that our club members do not miss out on these insightful presentations.

The Illinois Spring Bird Count is still scheduled to run on May 9.  Some of the areas that we typically count in will be closed.  We are anticipating that many of our local preserves and parks will be open on that date.  The state organizers believe that if state social distancing rules are followed the count can be conducted safely.  Joe Suchecki, our county compiler, will be conveying guidelines that everyone should follow in order to make this a safe experience for all that choose to participate.  We are all responsible for our own safety.  This has never been more apparent.

The DuPage Birding Club would like to support the statewide count and we are doing so only because the state has given the go-ahead to do so.  This count can be both successful and safe if guidelines are followed.  Anyone participating must follow approved social distancing guidelines.  This will keep all of us safe during the event and as long as everyone behaves responsibly we will not be contributing to the spread of the virus.

Beyond count day, we hope that members will continue to make their own choices regarding birdwatching as a pastime.  Please continue to use common sense when out in preserves where you might run into other birders.  Be Safe!  We will resume regular field trips as soon as we feel that it is appropriate.

In June, the Board will take another hard look at where we are regarding the Covid-19 virus in our community.   At that time, we will make an announcement regarding the July 9 club meeting as well as field trips scheduled beyond June 12.

Thank you for your understanding.

Denis Kania
President, DuPage Birding Club

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