DBC YouTube Mini-tutorials Weekly

The DBC Board has launched the DBC YouTube channel as a way to serve the membership in the absence of our regular meetings and field trips, all postponed due to the Covid-19 quarantine.

Our goal is to provide a way to connect with you and enrich your birding experience. We’re tapping the expertise of DBC President Denis Kania, who is recording a range of mini-tutorials to provide bird identification strategies for challenging birds, tips for using our checklist, understanding parts of a bird, and more.  This is timely content as migration gets underway!

Visit the DuPage Birding Club YouTube channel  at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEilyuewO86Cds5CoA7-GcQ

Be sure to subscribe to the channel so you will be alerted when new content is posted, which will be frequent. Enjoy!

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