YOU’RE INVITED: Birders Breakfast October 24 via ZOOM!

Come join us for the 2020 Zoom Birders Breakfast!   Like everything else, the Birders Breakfast is going to be a little different this year.  We are going to do a ZOOM breakfast, complete with food, birding, and other really fun stuff!

Here is how it will work.

Today - Sign up to join the ZOOM meeting to be held on October 24 at 9AM.

Sign up here

October 11 - October 18 Pick a day and go birding to your favorite spot, neighborhood, or backyard.  Go on your own, with your Pandemic Pod, or with a friend (remember to practice social distancing). While you are out, take a photo to share.  Just a quick shot or selfie of you birding or an image of something interesting you saw, a humorous pose, a bird, a plant, an insect, a scenic view, whatever you want to share. It does not have to be a spectacular shot of a bird!  We all know how hard it is to get one of those! Just something to share. The photos will be put together in a slideshow to share at the Zoom Birders Breakfast.
Send the photo to Natalie at
October 20, 5PM is the deadline for sending in  your photo.
Please include your name and the location the photo was taken. 

October 24, 9 AM - Fix your favorite breakfast and join the ZOOM meeting. We will view the slide show and you will have the opportunity to say a few words/comments about your birding adventures that day or this past year.


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