DuPage Forest Preserve Features DBC Members

The DuPage Forest Preserve recently featured three DBC members and shared their perspectives in the Catching Nature blog.

President Denis Kania shares how he found his true calling in the 90s after he accepted a role in natural resource management for the St. Charles Park District.  He shares his perspective on being proactive stewards of nature, letting nature inspire us, and the interrelatedness of the natural world. https://www.dupageforest.org/catching-nature/denis-kania


DBC member Anna Testone was always a nature lover but caught the birding bug when her daughter introduced her to Facebook birding groups and she discovered all the lovely preserves nearby where she too could see—and photograph—our beautiful birds.  She talks about the restorative power of a walk in the woods and prairie and the lessons she’s learned from nature. https://www.dupageforest.org/catching-nature/anna-testone


DBC member Jeff Smith is a core member of the Greene Valley Hawkwatch monitoring migrating raptors.  Jeff describes how his professional duties in golf course maintenance and management fueled his interest in birds. His discovery of a roosting barn owl in a maintenance shed led him to build a nest platform that was used to house the first and only known successful barn owl nest in DuPage County. https://www.dupageforest.org/catching-nature/jeff-smith

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