DBC to Host Book Discussion November 14

As announced in the last Drummings, the Club will host a book discussion November 14. President Mike Warner was inspired by A Wing and a Prayer, The Race to Save Our Vanishing Birds by Anders and Beverly Gyllenhaal and couldn’t wait to share it with you! The authors spent a year traveling the U.S. in their Airstream Trailer visiting sites where dedicated scientists, researchers, and volunteers are working to save some of their local species from extinction. He was touched by the enthusiasm and determination these people have to preserve our birds and thought the writing was excellent—a great read!

Our discussion night will be Tuesday, November 14 at 7pm. Depending on how many want to participate, we will either have it at Mike’s house or on Zoom.

If you are interested in participating, please email Mike at dupagebirdingclub@gmail.com. We really hope many DBC members will join the discussion on a topic we all care about.

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