The DBC Needs YOU: 2025 Leadership Opportunities

Speaking of volunteers, as fall weather arrives, we turn to the future and planning for 2025. Do you have a few extra hours a month to give back to the DBC? Our continued success depends on volunteers who are willing to serve. Holding a Board position or chairing a committee is fun, stimulating and social. Why not give it a try? We have openings for the following volunteer positions:

  • Vice President: Arranges for presenters for member meetings. Becomes President the following year. This is a most critical role to ensure the club’s continuity as an organization.
  • Treasurer: Oversees the club's finances, makes donations, pays bills and speakers, and provides monthly financial reports. Managing the club’s money is obviously very important!
  • Corresponding Secretary: Sends new members greeting letters. Publicizes meeting speakers and field trips in various news outlets. Help us welcome new members and spread the good word on our programs.
  • Director: Provides valuable input to the Exec Committee and assists with various DBC functions. This is your chance to act as the voice for all club members.
  • Outreach Coordinator: Works with the Outreach Committee to coordinate programs in response to requests from local organizations. Engage with the community to educate and share our love of birds.
  • Field Trip Coordinator: Contacts potential field trip leaders and assembles monthly calendar of field trips. This vital role is shared with another volunteer. Field trips are among our strongest benefits to members.
  • Webmaster: Applies monthly updates to website and handles incoming email from general DBC mailbox. This role is shared with another volunteer. NOTE: No prior website management experience required; training is provided. Learn a new skill and keep our excellent website current.
  • Audiovisual Coordinator: Ensures that hybrid meetings relying on Zoom and in-person
    presentation work smoothly. Put your tech skills to work.

If you would like to volunteer for one of these positions or want more information, please email me at DBC cannot function without the help of volunteers serving in leadership positions. Your organization needs you!

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