DBC is First Platinum Sponsor of “Monty and Rose II”

DuPage Birding Club has donated $500 to the making of a film sequel to the 2019 film documenting the exciting story of Monty and Rose, who last year became the first nesting pair of Piping Plovers in the Chicago region in more than 60 years. As many of you probably already know, the pair returned to Montrose Beach this summer and successfully fledged three chicks.  The exciting news is that Esperanza and Hazel, two of the banded fledglings, were seen and photographed on a beach in Georgia!

Plover champion Bob Dolgan is currently raising funds to make a sequel to the first documentary to continue this unique story and educate a broader audience on the importance of preserving lakefront natural areas.  He’s more than halfway to his goal.  DBC was its first Platinum Sponsor. To donate or learn more: DONATE

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