DBC Members Only – Free Beginning Bird Watching Course

If you are a member of the DuPage Birding Club in good standing and are a beginning birder, the DBC is offering you an opportunity to learn more about birds and increase your birding ID skills. As a service to its members, the Club is initiating a free course for beginning birders taught by DuPage County birders Denis Kania and Joe Suchecki. The Club-sponsored course will provide beginning birders with information, resources, and tips on how to become a better birder, find more birds, and hopefully increase the joys of birding for you. The class will cover topics such as:

  •  The basics about birds and identification
  •  Information on habitat and seasonal differences
  •  Selection and use of binoculars
  •  Tips on finding and identifying birds in the field
  •  Birding by ear
  •  Resources for birding
  •  Keeping track of your sightings and lists

The course will include three classroom sessions via Zoom and three field sessions at DuPage County birding locations. Denis and Joe will provide you much of the basic information on birds and birding in the classroom sessions and then reinforce those concepts and guide you through identifying birds during the field sessions. At the end of the course, you should have a good knowledge of the basics of birding and better skills that will allow you to more easily enjoy the great hobby of birding. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants. The course is being offered as a benefit of your membership in the DuPage Birding Club, so you must be a current member of the Club to enroll in this free course.

Zoom Sessions - Wednesdays
April 6
April 13
April 20

Field Work - Saturdays
April 9
April 16
April 23

Enroll by sending an email with your contact information to Joe Suchecki at
DBCSec2020@gmail.com. Deadline for enrolling is April 1.

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