Springbrook Prairie Forest Preserve, Naperville
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Meet at the main parking lot on 83rd Street between Book Road and Route 59. The field trip is looking for grassland and marsh birds. We will likely go off-trail so bring appropriate footwear and use insect repellent for ticks and mosquitos.Leader: Joe Suchecki, DuPageSBC@gmail.com
Centennial Trail, Lemont
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 12 participants. On this field trip we will meet in the gravel parking lot at the end of Canal Bank Road. Coming off Lemont Road this turnoff is called Old Lemont Road, and is unmarked, so turn at this pin: https://www.google.com/maps/place/41°41'01.8%22N+88°00'12.8%22W/@41.6837291,-88.0040132,17z Feel free to ask questions about how to get there after you RSVP. We will be on the lookout for shorebirds and other migrants, such as the Centennial’s breeding Prothonotary Warblers.Leader: Henry Meade, Please register with Kathleenreeves22@yahoo.com, 224-319-4377