Field Trips

Upcoming Field Trips

We offer a variety of field trips, with opportunities for all types of birders to participate and enjoy each season.  There is special support for new birders on some trips. Participants are welcome to contact the trip leader if they have any questions.

NOTE: For trips with a participant limit, registration with the trip leader is required. In those cases, you are NOT registered until you receive a confirmation from the trip leader.

Field Trips will observe a few guidelines to ensure that our birding is safe and comfortable for all.

  • Field trips are open to nonmembers.
  • Anyone not feeling well should stay home.
  • Attendees of DBC field trips and other events who are under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
  • All field trip attendees should be aware of and follow the ABA Code of Birding Ethics.

Note: When possible last-minute changes or cancellation of field trips will be posted on this page.

Morton Arboretum, West Side

Pre-registration with the leader is required.
We will meet at Thornhill parking lot, P21 and walk on wood chip paths for about 2 miles. We will be looking for early migrants and usual winter birds.  Info on the arboretum is at: If you don’t have an arboretum membership contact us and we can arrange for you to enter with a member for $10.00.
Leaders: Mike and Karen Warner,, 630-640-2450

McKee Marsh, Warrenville

Registration not necessary.  
Join us for a walk around one of DuPage county's premier birding hotspots to look for resident birds and early spring migrants.  Hopefully, some waterfowl should be around.  This approximately 3-mile walk will be on crushed limestone and earthen trails; wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Meet at the visitor parking lot on the north side of Mack Rd., located between Winfield Rd. and Rt. 59 in Warrenville.
Leader: Kyle Wiktor, 708-506-5186 (text or call if you have questions regarding weather cancellation)

Save the Date! DBC Field Trip Registration Lottery Open* for Magee Marsh, Ohio, May 7-11.

Organizers: Joe Kubal, Sherry Courtney, Matt Crisler

Matching DBC member interest for the field trip to Magee Marsh with available resources has been a challenge in planning this trip. Due to the high demand anticipated, we have decided to initiate a lottery system for participation. This seems to be the most equitable and fair way to enroll potential attendees.

Right now, we only have room for 10 participants due to only having 1 hike leader. We would like to expand this to 20, so we are looking for a second hike leader to volunteer. If you are, or someone you know is, interested, please reach out to Sherry Courtney at

*The lottery is open now until February 10th , 2025. You are asked to include only two participants in your email request to enroll. In this request, please include only the names and email addresses of “active birders.”  Do not include spouses and significant others who are coming with you but not participating in the actual hikes themselves.

The lottery drawing will be held mid-February, and all individuals that requested enrollment will be notified of the results shortly thereafter. If you are selected to attend the trip, the field trip coordinators will forward a packet of materials concerning lodging (we have reserved a block of rooms) and other details. There is also the possibility of having a pre-trip orientation meeting.

Requests to enroll should be sent to Joe Kubal at jdrk4715@aol.

Helpful Information

Please remember these guidelines:

  • Preregistration with the trip leader is required; you are NOT registered until you receive a confirmation from the trip leader.
  • Field trips are open to nonmembers.
  • It is expected that all field trip participants will follow the CDC’s recommendations regarding masks and social distancing.
  • Anyone not feeling well should not attend.
  • Attendees of DBC field trips and other events who are under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
  • All field trip attendees should be aware of and follow the ABA Code of Birding Ethics.

Field trip participants

Participants, please remember that the weather can be variable, and trails can be muddy, slippery, or even snow covered, so dress accordingly. Also, depending on weather, bring protection for biting insects, ticks, sun, rain, or winter cold. We expect everyone to enjoy birding in a safe manner. Visitors are always welcome! We do not charge fees for birding trips.

Field trip coordinators

Sherry Courtney ( and Stephanie Cullerton ( manage the DBC calendar of trips. Contact them if you have questions or if you would like to lead a trip. Leaders do not have to be birding experts, just familiar with the location.

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