Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Meet at P21, the Thornhill parking lot. Must get entry passes beforehand. Will be looking for early spring migrants. Leaders: Mike & Karen Warner,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Greene Valley Forest Preserve is known for its Woodcock displays, which begin shortly after sunset. Join us this spring on one of our walks. Meet at the west entrance parking lot: west on 79th St. from Greene Rd, then Thunderbird Rd. south, approximately ½ mile to the campground entrance. The walk will NOT be cancelled due to weather.Leader: Jeff Smith,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Between 1979 and 1992 more than 100 parcels of land were assembled to form the core of this park. Today it is one of the most accessible natural areas in DuPage County, having wood chip trails and a floating boardwalk. The focus of the trip will be observing and interpreting breeding and nesting bird activity. Directions: The entrance to Lincoln Marsh is on the west side of the park, at the corner of Harrison St. and Pierce Ave. From County Farm Rd., turn east on Harrison St. and proceed one mile to […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Meet at the 101st Street Waterfall Glen parking lot off of Lemont Road where we will caravan, and depart promptly at 7:30 am. We will be walking along Centennial Trail along the Des Plaines River in search of waterfowl, Bald Eagles, and new spring arrivals.Leader: Mark Freeburg,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. This trip will focus on grassland birds and late spring migrants. Please park at the model aircraft field on Plainfield-Naperville Road, South of 75th Street in Naperville. Leader: Joe Suchecki, 630-386-5570,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. This will be a walk for new birders. We will walk slowly and allow ample time to look for spring warblers and other migrants. Our focus will be the lowland woods along the Salt River. Meet at the main parking lot on Spring Road in Oak Brook.Leader: Lesa Hipes, 630-689-7463,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Enjoy a mid-morning bird walk at Hidden Lake Forest Preserve for a chance to see herons, egrets, kingfishers, terns, geese, ducks, and early spring migrants. This site includes ample parking and an indoor restroom which will be open.Leader: Mary Loye,
This is a leaderless birding experience. You are invited to bird the Meadowlark Trail / Danada-Herrick Lake Regional Trail loop (about one and half miles) on your own between the hours of 7 and 10 am. The idea is you will ‘bump’ into fellow birders as you make your way along the trail loop, chat a little about what you are seeing, then move on and hopefully run into another birder further along the trail. You can start at 7 or sleep in and start at 8 or even 9! Park in the Herrick Rd parking lot or, if you […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. This morning trip will be oriented toward early spring migration. We will be at a leisurely pace to provide as much time as desired to look at each bird and to answer questions for any new birders. If you register for this walk, Bonnie will either notify you that you are confirmed, or offer to put you on a waiting list in case someone cancels. Meet at the Thunderbird Youth Camp Parking Lot. Go west on 79th about 1/2 mile, the entrance is on the south side of 79th Street, west of […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. This trip will focus on grassland birds and late spring migrants. Please park at the model aircraft field on Plainfield-Naperville Road, South of 75th Street in Naperville.Leader: Joe Suchecki, 630-386-5570,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 10 participants. We'll be concentrating on early woodland migrants as we explore some of the excellent trails through this preserve. We will meet in the main parking lot which is accessed off of Winfield Road just north of Butterfield Road. Leader: Denis Kania,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Greene Valley Forest Preserve is known for its Woodcock displays, which begin shortly after sunset. Join us this spring on one of our walks. Meet at the west entrance parking lot: west on 79th St. from Greene Rd, then Thunderbird Rd. south, approximately ½ mile to the campground entrance. The walk will NOT be cancelled due to weather.Leader: Jeff Smith,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 10 participants. This trip is intended for those birders who would like to learn about bird calls and songs and how to use those sounds to identify "Birds-by-Ear." The trip leader will key-in on bird calls and songs as the group looks for marsh birds, grassland birds, and spring migrants. The emphasis of the trip will be to point out and learn the calls of the birds and how to develop the skills of identifying birds by sound. Please park at the Model Aircraft Field on Plainfield-Naperville Road south of 75th Street in Naperville. […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. McDowell Grove is typically a productive site for warblers and other migrants. The focus of the trip will be early migrants, forest, and scrubland birds. Meet in the parking lot off Raymond Drive, 1/2 mile south of I-88. Most of our walk will be on gravel and good earthen trails; wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Leader: Diann Bilderback, 630-272-5746,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 10 participants. This is a new field trip for anyone who finds the long walks of our regular field trips too difficult or who would just like a less vigorous birding experience but still share the camaraderie of fellow birders. Bring your folding lawn chairs, binoculars and field guides and join us at McDowell Grove. We will meet and sit as a group (masked and socially distanced) and look for early spring migrants and any birds that come to us! Birders of all levels are welcome.McDowell Grove is on the east side of Raymond […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 10 participants. We'll be concentrating on early woodland migrants as we explore some of the excellent trails through this preserve. We will meet in the main parking lot which is accessed off of Raymond Drive where it intersects with McDowell Road (stop light). Leader: Denis Kania at