Meet at the observation tower where we will start the trip by scanning for summering waterfowl, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and rails. We will also scan from the boat launch lot before moving on to Sandy Hollow to look for sparrows (Lark, Grasshopper, etc.) Due to Covid, lunch we be on your own. Pack a sandwich if you plan to stay past noon. Leader will stay until 5:00 p.m. for those who want to “make a day of it.” Bring a scope if you have one. Bring plenty of water and snacks. No water available on site. It is a 1 1/2 hour […]
Please join us for a fun opportunity to meet fellow birders. Create a team of four or join a team of four. Sign up by contacting Vicky Sroczynski Bird one park in DuPage county anytime between 5 AM and Noon then meet at Hidden Lake Forest Preserve at 1:00 PM for lunch and socializing. For specific details see the DBC website or the latest Drummings. Hidden Lake is located on Route 53 about a ¼ mile South of Butterfield Road. Hidden Lake Forest Preserve Leader: Vicky Sroczynski
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. You are not registered unless you receive confirmation from the trip leader. Meet at the main parking lot for Springbrook Prairie on 83rd Street between Route 59 and Book Road. This will be a field trip to look for grassland birds that nest at Springbrook such as Eastern Meadowlark, Bobolink, Henslow's Sparrow, Sedge Wren, and Dickcissel. Possibility for Grasshopper Sparrow as well. We will be going off-trail and walking in uneven terrain so wear appropriate footwear and long pants. Bring and use insect repellent - there are many ticks at this time of year […]
Pre-registration with the leader required: Limit 10 participants. This is a field trip for anyone who finds the long walks of our regular field trips too difficult or who would just like a less vigorous birding experience, but still share the camaraderie of fellow birders. Bring your folding lawn chairs, binoculars, field guides, bug spray and water. We will sit on the Nature Center balcony where we will be able to observe the river and surrounding woods. Meet in the main parking lot at 3609 Spring Rd. Fullersburg Woods Leader: Natalie McFaul
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. You are not registered unless you receive confirmation from the trip leader. Meet at the gravel parking lot on the east side of Plainfield-Naperville Road south of 75th Street. This will be a field trip to look for grassland and shrubland birds such as Eastern Meadowlark, Bobolink, Henslow's and Savannah Sparrows, Clay-colored Sparrow, Orchard Oriole, Yellow-breasted Chat, Willow Flycatcher, and Bell's Vireo. We will be going off-trail and walking in uneven terrain so wear appropriate footwear and long pants. Bring and use insect repellent - there are many ticks at this time of year […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 20 participants. This morning trip will be more oriented for new birders, but experienced ones are welcome. We will walk at a leisurely pace to allow for all to see any birds. We will search for late migratory birds and summer residents. Meet at the Thunderbird Youth Camp Parking Lot. Go west on 79th about 1/2 mile, the entrance is on the south side of 79th Street, west of Greene Road in Naperville/Woodridge. Greene Valley Leader: Bonnie Graham, 630-204-8750,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Let’s meet at James Pate Philip State Park in the northwest corner of the county to look for nesting grassland, shrubland, and marshland birds. This preserve includes an area designated as an Illinois Nature Preserve, comprised of a Dwarf Bur-Reed Marsh. Please be prepared to walk almost 4 miles on flat turf and limestone trails, mostly without shade. Park in the main parking lot in front of the Visitor Center. Bring a sack lunch so we can eat there together afterwards. Depending on time, and scouting results, we could visit parts […]