Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 12 participants. We’ll start at Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve for a short walk through the grassland and to check the trees by the river. Park on Division Street east of Route 53/Broadway Street. Then we’ll drive to Prairie Bluff Preserve to search for migrant Smith’s and Lapland Longspurs, and other grassland birds. This trip is on uneven terrain and more primitive trails so sturdy hiking boots are recommended.RSVP to Vicky Sroczynski:
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 10 participants. This morning trip will focus on woodland migrants passing through our area. This is a popular migrant hotspot in both spring and fall. If birds are on the move, we will be in a great location to view them. Meet in the first parking lot after entering the preserve. The entrance is at the intersection of Raymond Dr. and McDowellRd. where there is a stoplight.Leader: Denis Kania,
We’ll walk at least 3 miles searching this watershed for all the spring migrants, summer breeding birds, and a couple resident specialties. PLEASE be prepared for rocky, root-filled trails along the creek, and hills throughout. Bring lunch so we can eat together in the picnic shelter afterwards. Park in the large new parking lot just southeast of the intersection of Cass and Bluff (enter from Bluff Rd. and listen for nesting Pine Warbler singing.) No RSVP needed, but text any questions.Leader: Vicky Sroczynski, 630-297-9512
A hundred or more birders will fan out across DuPage County to identify all the bird species they can find. A group of birders will be in the field somewhere near your home. Come join us; we need more birders to make it possible to cover as many locations within the county as we can. You don't have to be an expert birder to participate; all skill levels are welcome. Even if you can only bird for part of the day, we can use you. And if that’s your preference, you’ll probably be able to look for birds close to […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Meet at the Model Airplane Field Parking Lot on the west side of Plainfield-Naperville Road about 0.5 miles south of 75th Street. Field trip to look for marsh, grassland, and migrant birds in the various habitats at Springbrook Prairie. Wear footwear suitable to go off trail and bring insect repellent for ticks and mosquitos. Email the leader to reserve a spot on this field trip and be sure to receive a confirmation regarding your participation.Leader: Joe Suchecki,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 10 participants. This morning’s walk will take us through some prairie and woods. We’ll be looking for resident birds as well as migratory birds. We’ll be walking approximately 2 miles on mostly easy terrain. We will meet in the parking lot on Winfield Rd, just north of Butterfield Rd.Leader: Denis Kania,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. This walk with be geared towards new birders, but any level of birder is invited. Lambert Lake is a hidden gem surrounded by shrubby woodland and a small lake to see an assortment of ducks and waders. Our walk will focus on migratory birds, including warblers, orioles, and vireos. A wood chip trail encircles the lake, but spots can be muddy. A few trails to the south can be a good spot for warblers. Those trails can also be muddy and some have an incline. Please wear appropriate footwear. We will meet in the […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Meet at the parking lot for McDowell Grove Forest Preserve on Raymond Road just south of I-88. Field trip to look for migrants, especially warblers. Bring insect repellent for ticks and mosquitos. Email the leader to reserve a spot on this field trip and be sure to receive a confirmation regarding your participation.Leader: Joe Suchecki,
Pre registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Elsen’s Hill is known for spring migrating birds and is traditionally an excellent spot for warblers. Take Winfield Rd. to Gary’s Mill Rd. Go west on Gary’s Mill Rd. to the Preserve parking lot entrance on the north side of the road. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing and boots for muddy trails.Leader: Mike and Karen Warner,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Between 1979 and 1992 more than 100 parcels of land were assembled to form the core of this park. Today it is one of the most accessible natural areas in DuPage County, having wood chip trails and a floating boardwalk. There is a small prairie and an oak forest besides the marsh. The walk should be between one hour fifteen minutes and two hours and cover approximately a mile. Directions: The entrance to Lincoln Marsh is on the west side of the park, at the corner of Harrison St. and Pierce Ave. […]
Pre-registration with the leader required, limit 10. Join us at this new location to look for spring migrants. This is a field trip foranyone who finds the long walks of our regular field trips too difficult or who would just like a less vigorous birding experience, but still share the camaraderie of fellow birders. Bring your folding lawn chairs, binoculars, and field guides. We will meet in the parking lot off 31st Street and sit near the Nature Center. Lyman Woods is located at 901 31st St. Downers Grove, about one block east of Highland Ave. Lyman Woods website Dress […]
Pre registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Elsen’s Hill is known for spring migrating birds and is traditionally an excellent spot for warblers. Take Winfield Rd. to Gary’s Mill Rd. Go west on Gary’s Mill Rd. to the Preserve parking lot entrance on the north side of the road. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing and boots for muddy trails.Leader: Diann Bilderback, 630-272-5746,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 6 participants. Bird the 8 miles of trails by bike. We will cover most of the Herrick Lake Forest Preserve with stops in different habitats along the way. Bring your bike, helmet and binoculars. You must be able to bike a minimum of 8 miles. We will cover grassland, woodland, savannah, and scrub habitats looking for a wide variety of migrants in each. Meet at the parking lot off Herrick Road on the west side of the preserve.Leader: Nancy Allured,
Pre registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. This unique spot in northern McHenry County is a great spot for sought after marsh birds. The walk will focus on finding the site's nesting Yellow-headed Blackbird population, as well as species such as Black Tern, King Rail, Marsh Wren, and others. There is roughly a mile walk on a straight gravel path before we hit the marsh area. We may venture off trail into tall grass, so dress appropriately and bring bug spray and sun protection. The parking lot is behind the Hebron Township Building in Hebron, Illinois (10206 Seaman […]
Pre registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Meet at the Main Parking Lot for Springbrook Prairie on 83rd Street just west of Book Road. Field trip primarily to look for grassland birds at Springbrook. Wear footwear suitable to go off trail and bring insect repellent for ticks and mosquitos. Email the leader to reserve a spot on this field trip and be sure to receive a confirmation regarding your participation.Leader: Joe Suchecki,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. On this trip we will be searching for returning breeding birds, such as Grasshopper Sparrow, Henslow’s Sparrow, and Yellow-breasted Chat. We will also keep a lookout for some of the warblers that move through our region later in the month, such as Blackpoll Warbler, Canada Warbler, Mourning Warbler, and possibly even Connecticut Warbler. Meet on the southern side of the Pickerel Lake parking lot off of Powis Road, approximately here: (41.9632891, -88.2412360) at 8 am. After birding around here, we will likely head to the nearby model airfield, and James Pate Philip State […]
Pre registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Meet at the gravel parking lot on the east side of Plainfield-Naperville Road about 0.5 miles south of 75th  Street. This will be a field trip to look for late migrants such as Mourning and Connecticut warblers as well as some grassland and shrubland birds. Wear footwear suitable to go off trail and bring insect repellent for ticks and mosquitos. Email the leader to reserve a spot on this field trip and be sure to receive a confirmation regarding your participation.Leader: Joe Suchecki,
This will be a long, 4-mile walk to the kettle ponds, and then out through Poverty Prairie to the overlook (Borrow Pit) and back. We’ll be on mostly level limestone trails and a couple dirt shortcuts so prepare for mud if it’s rained. Hat, water bottle, and snack highly recommended. If you’d like to bring a lunch we can eat together afterwards on site. Meet at the parking lot off Lemont Road. No RSVP needed but text any questions.Leader: Vicky Sroczynski, 630-297-9512