Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. On this trip we will be searching for returning breeding birds, such as Grasshopper Sparrow, Henslow’s Sparrow, and Yellow-breasted Chat. We will also keep a lookout for some of the warblers that move through our region later in the month, such as Blackpoll Warbler, Canada Warbler, Mourning Warbler, and possibly even Connecticut Warbler. Meet on the southern side of the Pickerel Lake parking lot off of Powis Road, approximately here: (41.9632891, -88.2412360) at 8 am. After birding around here, we will likely head to the nearby model airfield, and James Pate Philip State […]
Pre registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. Meet at the gravel parking lot on the east side of Plainfield-Naperville Road about 0.5 miles south of 75th Street. This will be a field trip to look for late migrants such as Mourning and Connecticut warblers as well as some grassland and shrubland birds. Wear footwear suitable to go off trail and bring insect repellent for ticks and mosquitos. Email the leader to reserve a spot on this field trip and be sure to receive a confirmation regarding your participation.Leader: Joe Suchecki,
This will be a long, 4-mile walk to the kettle ponds, and then out through Poverty Prairie to the overlook (Borrow Pit) and back. We’ll be on mostly level limestone trails and a couple dirt shortcuts so prepare for mud if it’s rained. Hat, water bottle, and snack highly recommended. If you’d like to bring a lunch we can eat together afterwards on site. Meet at the parking lot off Lemont Road. No RSVP needed but text any questions.Leader: Vicky Sroczynski, 630-297-9512
Meet at the observation tower where we will start the trip by scanning for summering waterfowl, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and rails. We will also scan from the boat launch lot before moving on toSandy Hollow to look for sparrows (Lark, Grasshopper, etc.) Due to Covid, lunch will be on your own. Pack a sandwich if you plan to stay past noon. Leader will stay until 5:00 p.m. for those who want to “make a day of it.” Bring a scope if you have one. Bring plenty of water and snacks. No water available on site. It is a 1 1/2 hour […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 20 participants. Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie is one of the premier grassland birding spots in the area. The area is littered with abandoned munitions bunkers, as well as fantastic grassland species such as Henslow's Sparrow, Bell's Vireo, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Blue Grosbeak. This walk will primarily take place on old asphalt roads, but may venture into tall grass. Dress appropriately and bring bug spray and sun protection. We will meet at the Iron Bridge Trailhead on Route 53 in Elwood, Illinois. The entrance to the trailhead parking lot is about 2 miles south […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants.On this field trip we will meet in the gravel parking lot at the end of Canal Bank Road. Coming off of Lemont Road this turnoff is called Old Lemont Road, and is unmarked, so turn at this pin: 41,683840, -88.003541. Google Map link. Feel free to ask questions on how to get there after you RSVP. On this field trip our main target will be looking for late migrant warblers and returning summer residents. Please call if you have any problems with directions.Leader: Mark Freeburg, or call or text 630-661-1521
This walk will be geared towards new birders, but any level of birder is invited. Lambert Lake is a hidden gem surrounded by shrubby woodland and a small lake to see an assortment of ducks and waders. Our walk will focus on late migratory birds, including warblers, orioles, and vireos. A wood chip trail encircles the lake, but spots can be muddy. A few trails to the south can be a good spot for warblers. Those trails can also be muddy and some have an incline. Please wear appropriate footwear. We will meet in theparking lot off of Lambert Rd., […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants. On this trip we will be exploring one of the best birding locations in McHenry County, Glacial Park Conservation Area. We will be searching for a large array of breeding birds at this location, such as Yellow-headed Blackbird, rails, bitterns and a many passerine breeders, such as Henslow's Sparrow and Yellow-breasted Chat. Please meet in the Lost Valley Visitor Center parking lot at 8am.Leader: Henry Meade,
Pre-registration with the leader required: Limit 10 participantsThis is a field trip for anyone who finds the long walks of our regular field trips too difficult or who would just like a less vigorous birding experience, but still share the camaraderie of fellow birders. Bring your folding lawn chairs, binoculars, field guides, bug spray and water. We will sit on the Nature Center balcony where we will be able to observe the river and surrounding woods. Meet in the main parking lot at 3609 Spring Rd. Fullersburg WoodsLeader: Natalie McFaul,
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants.A bird walk to the DuPage River confluence, where the east and west branches meet. We’ll look for summer residents in the woods, fields, and on the water, so prepare for some sun, heat, and a few bugs! New birders welcome. Trails are mostly level and are grass/dirt, with some paved. Meet at the parking lot on 336 Knoch Knolls Rd., Naperville. Google Maps link.Leader: Steve Constantelos, 630-890-8956,