Pre-registration not required.This site remains one of DuPage County’s premier birding spots. Walk around the marsh with us, approximately 3.25 miles, to check out resident species and fall migrants. We hope to see Red-headed Woodpeckers, Henslow's Sparrows, Eastern Meadowlarks, and some marsh and woodland species. Most of our walk will be on preserve limestone and earthen trails; wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Meet at the visitor parking lot on the north side of Mack Rd., located between Winfield Rd. and Rt. 59 in Warrenville.Leader: Kyle Wiktor, cell: 708-506-5186
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants.On this field trip our main target will be looking for waterfowl and fall and early winter residents. We will meet in the gravel parking lot at the end of Canal Bank Road. Coming off of Lemont Road this turnoff is called Old Lemont Road, and is unmarked, so turn at this pin: 41,683840, -88.003541. Google Map link . Please call if you have any problems with directions.Leader: Mark Freeburg, or call or text 630-661-1521
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 15 participants.On this trip we will be exploring the western part of Danada Forest Preserve searching for passerine migrants such as some of the more uncommon sparrows that can be found in DuPage County. We will also check several different ponds to look for migrant waterfowl. Please meet on the west side of the Forest Preserve HQ parking lot at 8am.Leader: Henry Meade,
THIS TRIP HAS BEEN CANCELED. Led by Dan Williams. Organized by Lenny Edgin.This trip will begin Friday at 3:30 pm, at Nygren Overlook, and end around Noon to 1:00 pm Saturday. Full itinerary will be sent to registrants.To register and for more detailed information contact Lenny Edgin @ Nygren is a beautiful wildlife refuge located in Rockton, Illinois, owned by the Natural Land Institute, a 501(c)(3) non-profit land trust which was created in 1958 by George Fell, one of the founders and first executive director of The Nature Conservancy. It covers over 700 acres of pristine wetlands, woodlands, and prairies, […]
Registration not required.Join us on another walk around one of DuPage County's premier birding hotspots. We will be looking for wintering species and late fall migrants. The walk will be approximately 3 miles on limestone & earthen trails. Meet at the visitor parking lot on the north side of Mack Rd. between Winfield Rd. & Route 59.Leader: Kyle Wiktor, cell: 708-506-5186
The DuPage Birding Club would not exist if not for the many volunteers that give of their time and talents. The DBC Board would like to acknowledge all of our volunteers with a luncheon Saturday, November 16, at St. James Farm. The event will begin at 10:00 a.m. with a short birding walk followed by a luncheon at 11:30. The event is for everyone who has volunteered in any capacity on behalf of the club in the last year. This includes Board Members, Committee members, field trip leaders, outreach volunteers, newsletter and website contributors, and any others who have helped […]
Pre-registration is preferred, limit 20 participants. Muirhead Springs Forest Preserve is fast becoming one of the most promising birding sites in Kane County. Formerly farmland, Muirhead has undergone quite a transformation in the past few years, hosting a wide range of grassland birds. Winter sparrows, waterfowl, as well as Pipits, Longspurs, and Snow Buntings will be the main targets of this trip. If you haven't been to Muirhead yet, this is a great opportunity to do so. New birders are always welcome to join. The parking lot entrance is on Bahr Road, off Plank Road. Please note that we may trek through tall grass, so […]
Pre-registration with the leader is required, limit 20 participants. We’ll look for waterfowl, gulls, and others at the Centennial Trail Borrow Pit and ponds, Lemont Quarries, and Saganashkee Slough. Depending on conditions and sightings, other stops may include Sag Quarries, Long John Slough, and Maple Lake. Please bring a scope if you have one, though the leader will have a scope for everyone to share. Meet at the Lemont Rd. parking lot of Waterfall Glen (at the portable toilet). We will then caravan to the Borrow Pit. The trip will be canceled if waterfowl are scarce or the weather is poor. Directions […]