Ready to Give Back? Become a BCN Breeding Bird Monitor

Want to help birds in a big way? Join other birding enthusiasts who dedicate time monitoring our breeding birds each breeding season, adding to two-plus decades of a valuable dataset essential to land managers and researchers.  Our breeding birds truly are "the canaries in the coal mine."

The Bird Conservation Network (BCN) is actively recruiting new monitors for its annual BCN Survey. DBC is a BCN member and a funding sponsor of BCN’s recently published 22-year analysis of breeding birds in Chicagoland.

This important community science project relies on birders with sufficient experience to record evidence of species presence during the June and early July breeding season.  Not sure you can do it? BCN supports monitors with training that includes process guidelines, plus tools for enhancing skill-set for birding by ear.  If you are not confident in your birding ID skills, we can pair you with an experienced monitor to get you started.

Have some favorite birding spots? Chances are good that one or more of them is a monitoring site opportunity. Become one of BCN’s 200+ monitors collecting vital information on species abundance and their population trends.  Your time spent monitoring will make a world of difference for the birds!

To learn more, register your interest at

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