GET READY: October 9 Big Day Is Coming!!!!

Join the ranks of fellow DBC members and let’s have some fun participating in eBird’s annual Big Day, set for October 9. Big Days represent a 24-hour opportunity to note birds you see and hear, and in this case, record your sightings on eBird.

Sometimes Big Days support friendly competition among birders, and sometimes a Big Day is all about challenging yourself to meet a goal. This Big Day is about celebrating birds and contributing to important citizen science via eBird, where data will be compiled in a massive list to learn more about migratory trends, bird abundance, and more. In participating, you will be joining a global community celebrating the second Global Birding Weekend and World Migratory Bird Day.

We thought it would be fun to show the world what a great birding destination we have in DuPage County and the greater Chicagoland area with a strong showing from our community of birders. We’ll monitor results for the county and share any highlights we see in the next issue of Drummings.

To join the fun, you first need a free eBird account (sign up for free at Then watch birds on October 9. However much time you have—even 10 minutes in the backyard—will help. Enter your sightings on eBird via their website or mobile app and then be sure to share your sightings to the DBC eBird account: DuPageBC. More information and tips on managing your Big Day are here:

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