Spring Bird Count Coming Up May 7

Hold the date and plan to participate in the 2022 Spring Bird Count in DuPage County on Saturday, May 7. The Spring Bird Count is held annually throughout Illinois around the first weekend in May and is intended to provide information and data on early spring bird migration throughout Illinois. The DuPage Birding Club coordinates the spring count efforts in DuPage County, and last year we recorded 168 species throughout DuPage County on spring count day.

If you have participated in the past, you should have received an email from Joe Suchecki with information about the count, your area captain and your count area. If you have not participated previously and would like to join the fun this year, contact Joe at dupagesbc@gmail.com and he will put you in touch with an area captain for he count. Last year we had over 90 participants counting birds on the spring count. We would like even more people to participate this year. So, don’t miss out on the fun and excitement of the great Spring Bird Count on May 7. Link to Bird Count Page.

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