Donation in Memory of Craig Holderness Will Support Club Agenda and Activities

Craig Holderness of Willowbrook passed away last fall. Craig was a birder and nature lover who regularly participated in Club-sponsored events such as the Christmas Bird Count and the Spring Bird Count here in DuPage County. He was a long-time bird monitor at Fullersburg Woods. He also donated his time as a volunteer for the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, where he worked on river ecology projects including the conservation of fresh water mussels.

Craig was a long-time collector of duck decoys and bird carvings. Upon his passing, Craig’s family donated his decoy and carving collection to the DuPage Birding Club. The collection, a total of 25 duck decoys and 20 other bird carvings, is currently being evaluated, and the DBC Board will determine the best way to utilize the collection in a manner that honors Craig’s love of birds and nature. On behalf of the Club, President Natalie McFaul has expressed our condolences and heartfelt thanks to Craig’s family in a letter sent to Craig’s brother.

The DBC greatly appreciates the donation of Craig’s collection and will utilize any resulting funds generated in a manner consistent with Craig’s legacy.

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