Last Call: Monitoring Opportunities with BCN

If you’re interested in helping our breeding birds, the Bird Conservation Network has a perfect opportunity. Each year, the BCN recruits monitors to conduct a survey of breeding birds in selected preserves within the Chicago Wilderness area, providing vital information for understanding the population trends of the key species that breed here. Data is used by forest preserve districts and other land managers to identify their property’s most critical preservation and restoration needs.

To become a monitor, you don’t have to be an expert birder but should have at least three years of birding experience and be able to identify birds breeding in our area by sight and sound. You can volunteer to monitor alone, or you can team up with a birding friend to monitor together. Only one of you needs to be adept at birding by ear.

Volunteers do two bird surveys in June at one of the selected preserves in our area. As a monitor, you go to predetermined points within your preserve and count the number of birds seen and heard for five minutes at each point. After wrapping up your count, you enter your results into a special BCN eBird portal—and you’re done!

This is a great opportunity to contribute to the continued conservation of birds and their habitats right here where you bird. If you are interested or would like to learn more, contact Tim Balassie at

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