Mini-Tutorial: Summertime Birding at McKee Marsh

The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel.

Join Denis Kania for a leisurely bird-focused hike around McKee Marsh in DuPage's Blackwell Forest Preserve. Some species aren't too fussy about habitat, while others than be quite particular; Denis introduces you to many summer residents you'll see at this special preserve. Prepare for your outing on eBird, and then hit the trail to explore the varied landscapes (and birds!) this preserve offers, from habitat generalists in the parking lot to waterfowl and more in the marsh itself. Discover what might be singing or lurking in the large swathes of grassland, patches of shrubland, denser woodlands, and mudflats. Size up the stands of cottonwood trees that are home to orioles and vireos, to dead trees that host many a woodpecker and tree swallow family. And don't forget to look up in the sky once in a while.

To explore other DuPage birding hotspots, go to 

For more on birds and birding in DuPage County, visit​.

NOTE: YouTube has instituted new terms of service and is now occasionally running ads on DBC videos. Please note that the club is not gaining any revenue from these ads, nor do we endorse the products appearing in these ads.

As meetings and field trips have been altered for the short term due to Covid-19 the Board offers a way to connect with you and enrich your birding experience via Mini-tutorials.  Visit the DuPage Birding Club YouTube channel  at

Be sure to subscribe to the channel so you will be alerted when new content is posted, which will be frequent. Enjoy!

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