
Featured News

Happy 40th Birthday to DBC!

It's a milestone year for the DuPage Birding Club! On January 14, the Club will have been in existence for 40 years! That's pretty impressive longevity for an all-volunteer organization whose members belong simply (and renew their membership each year) because they love watching, hearing, and learning about birds! Kudos to the 21 founding members who saw a need and had a vision, and kudos to the 40 leadership teams who have created programs, field trips and other activities that have kept us interested.

More Recent News

Ready to Give Back? Become a BCN Breeding Bird Monitor

Want to help birds in a big way? Join other birding enthusiasts who dedicate time monitoring our breeding birds each breeding season, adding to two-plus decades of a valuable dataset essential to land managers and researchers.  Our breeding birds truly are “the canaries in the coal mine.” The Bird Conservation Network (BCN) is actively recruiting new monitors for its annual BCN Survey. DBC is a BCN member and a funding sponsor of BCN’s recently published 22-year analysis of breeding birds in Chicagoland. This important community science project relies on birders with sufficient experience to record evidence of species presence during the […]

Announcing DBC’s Winter 2023 Photography Contest Winners!

Announcing DBC’s Winter 2023 Photography ContestWinners! Announcing DBC’s Winter 2023 Photography ContestWinners! Announcing DBC’s Winter 2023 Photography ContestWinners! The DBC’s Winter 2023 photo contest winners are official! The 42 entries were judged by John Hebert, Andie Duffy, Steve Constantelos, Natalie McFaul, and Mike Warner. Because of the quality of all the submissions, the committee had a very tough time deciding on which pictures to recognize. The committee wants to thank all the photographers for their entries. Go to Winter ’23 Photo Contest Winners to see all the winning images and the stories behind them. Go to Members Photo Gallery to […]

Joe Suchecki Earns Distinguished Achievement Award

At the March 2023 DBC meeting, long-time member Joe Suchecki was awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award in recognition of his exceptional service to the DuPage Birding Club. Joe has served on the Board in many capacities, including President and most recently Corresponding Secretary. In addition to these important roles, Joe has lent his creative and organizational talents in several other capacities, including DBC Education Channel contributions and a Beginning Birder course, managing the Spring Bird Count, championing a collaboration between the DBC and the DuPage Forest Preserve to restore a woodland understory, and orchestrating the sale of donated decoys on […]
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