
Featured News

DBC’s Spring 2024 Photography Contest Winners Set a High Bar

With more than 50 beautiful photos submitted, the Photography Contest Judges had a really tough time selecting this quarter's winners. The entries were judged by Andie Duffy, Steve Constantelos, Natalie McFaul, Thelma Hulka, and Mike Warner. Best of Show went to Tim Duitsman for his stunning photo of a Cedar Waxwing about to nab a Cicada.

Go to Members Photo Gallery to see the winning photos only.

More Recent News

Wanted: Cantigny Bird Walk Leaders

Organized birding at Cantigny Park, in partnership with DBC, started in 2008. Cantigny employee and DBC Past President Jeff Reiter and Cantigny Volunteer Joan Campbell have kept the monthly walks going ever since. With Jeff’s retirement next month, Joan needs some helpers! Cantigny wants to keep offering a monthly walk, and ideally an “Accessible Birding” session every month, too. This is an opportunity to become an official Cantigny volunteer, which comes with nice perks. And, of course, leading bird walks is the absolute best volunteer job at the park! If you are interested, please send an email to Liz Omura, […]

More Book Talk: Nature is Our Country Club

All are invited to Cantigny on Wednesday, June 19, for a presentation by local author, artist, educator and naturalist Christopher Cudworth. He will discuss his latest book, Nature is Our Country Club, which focuses on the environmental impact of golf and golf course sustainability. More broadly, it’s about nature appreciation and the many positive aspects of spending time outdoors. Books will be available for purchase and signing. Whether you play golf or not, all birders will appreciate Chris’s important message. His talk begins at 7:00 p.m. inside the Cantigny Visitor Center. It is free to attend and parking is also […]

Trip Report: A Great Time at Horicon Marsh

Contributed by Natalie McFaul The first DBC field trip to Horicon Marsh was a great success! It was two days of good birds and good company. A friendly group of 17 people participated in the DBC field trip and had some pretty exciting birding experiences. Friday evening, we took a leisurely two-hour pontoon ride into the marsh. We watched White Pelicans fly in as Troy Kirchhoff and Rick Vant Hoff from Blue Heron Landing pointed out birds and shared stories and a little history of Horicon Marsh.  Photo by Sherry Courtney Saturday morning there was a field trip led by […]
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