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Greene Valley Hawkwatch to Begin 17th Season
September 1st marks the beginning of the hawkwatching season atop the scenic overlook at Greene Valley F.P. Volunteers have been counting migrating raptors since 2006 from this site. The data collected here and from nearly 200 other sites in Central and North America is used in the scientific study of migration and the promotion of raptor conservation. At 190 feet above the surrounding landscape, “The Hill” offers a 360 degree view of the horizon. On clear days one can see landmarks from six counties. We have recorded 22 species of raptors and 160 species of non-raptors from the hilltop over […]
DBC Funds IOS Grant Project at Midewin
Under the guidance of the club’s Grants and Donations Committee, the DBC has awarded $1,000 to the Midewin Tallgrass Prairie Alliance for the purchase of a high-resolution viewing scope. The scope will be installed in the Welcome Center at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie for visitor use. One focus of the scope will be the viewing of an active Bald Eagle nest located ¼ mile west of the Welcome Center. It will also be used by U.S. Forest Service rangers and volunteers to provide visitors the opportunity to view, learn about, and appreciate the many special bird species that frequent and […]
Decoy Silent Auction Raises $1,161!
Joe Suchecki reports that the DBC Silent Auction for the remaining decoys in the Craig Holderness estate donation garnered $1,161, bringing the total raised through the sale of these decoys to more than $3,100! The high bids went to the Female Wood Duck, a real beauty, and the Blue-winged Teal, another excellent piece. The proceeds from these sales will fund a future donation to a regional bird conservation program. Stay tuned for details on that. THANK YOU, DBC members, for your generosity and participation, and thanks to Joe for organizing and administering the decoy sales.