
Featured News

DBC’s Spring 2024 Photography Contest Winners Set a High Bar

With more than 50 beautiful photos submitted, the Photography Contest Judges had a really tough time selecting this quarter's winners. The entries were judged by Andie Duffy, Steve Constantelos, Natalie McFaul, Thelma Hulka, and Mike Warner. Best of Show went to Tim Duitsman for his stunning photo of a Cedar Waxwing about to nab a Cicada.

Go to Members Photo Gallery to see the winning photos only.

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2021 Greene Valley Hawkwatch Results

Volunteers for the 2021 Greene Valley Hawkwatch logged 1883 hours and spotted 89 species of birds in this 16th annual survey of migrating hawks and other birds.  Highlights included four flyover Whooping Cranes and a high count of 41 Red- houldered Hawks.  

2021 Fermi-Batavia Christmas Bird Count Sets Records

On December 18, 2021, 90 birders counted every bird they could see and hear within the 15-mile circle during the 46th Fermi-Batavia CBC. Eighty-seven species were observed in the count, above our 10-year average of 84 species. We had high counts of six species and added two new species to the count: Bohemian Waxwing and Tennessee Warbler. Thank you to all the area captains and counters in making this year another successful count!

Mini-Tutorial: Harris’s Sparrow

The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. Mini-tutorial covering songbird plumage (feathers) and molt, which is the process of replacing feathers with new ones. The video establishes some basic plumage and molt vocabulary, and goes into examples of immature and mature birds and how much their appearance can change throughout a year. Some birds, like the American Redstart and Orchard Oriole, take more than a year before we see their full adult plumage. American Goldfinch, Chipping Sparrow, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, European Starling, and others are covered. NOTE: YouTube has instituted new terms of […]
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