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Susan Kaley Receives Distinguished Achievement Award
Long-time DBC member Susan Kaley is the latest recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award, a recognition reserved for a very few select members who have gone above and beyond to support the Club over an extended period. Susan has served as Vice President, President, Past President, and Corresponding Secretary, representing at least five years on the Executive Committee. She was newsletter editor for 8 years and was part of the team that produced and distributed the print newsletter back in the day before electronic communications. Currently she oversees the Lending Library along with Jeff Smith and recently produced our 2022 […]
Decoy Sale Raises $2,000+
The collection of decoys donated to the Club from the estate of fellow birder Craig Holderness earned the Club just over $2,000 at a two-day sale and silent auction hosted by the North American Decoy Collectors Show April 29-30, held at The Westin Hotel in Lombard. Many thanks to Joe Suchecki, who researched decoy pricing and had the collection evaluated, arranged for our exhibit at the decoy event, mustered the supporting team, and hosted our table. Other volunteers included Jane Barnett, Daphne Suchecki, Diann Bilderback, Steve Constantelos, Natalie McFaul, John Hebert, and Denis and Melissa Kania. Well done, team! All […]
Mini-Tutorial: Three Things To Help Birds
The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. Denis Kania presents three things you can do in your backyard to help birds: provide shelter, food, and water. With a diversity of offerings-not all species want the same things-almost half of DuPage’s 268 bird species could be attracted to your yard. Many of these birds pass through during their vulnerable migration time: all the more motivation to help them. Shelter takes the form of houses and, especially, vegetation. Food-especially insects!-is critical. Again, this is often vegetation, so reduce turf lawn and add more native flowers, shrubs, […]