
Featured News

Happy 40th Birthday to DBC!

It's a milestone year for the DuPage Birding Club! On January 14, the Club will have been in existence for 40 years! That's pretty impressive longevity for an all-volunteer organization whose members belong simply (and renew their membership each year) because they love watching, hearing, and learning about birds! Kudos to the 21 founding members who saw a need and had a vision, and kudos to the 40 leadership teams who have created programs, field trips and other activities that have kept us interested.

More Recent News

Upcoming Outreach Presentation: Gardening for Birds and Butterflies

Woodridge Library (Virtual event) May 20, 2021, 7:00-8:00 PM by John Cebula. You don’t need to travel around the country (or even around the county) to see a large variety of birds and butterflies. John Cebula, educator, writer, and naturalist from the DuPage Birding Club, has seen dozens of species of birds and butterflies without leaving the backyard of his own Glen Ellyn home! John will share what you can do to attract these beautiful, beneficial creatures to your own garden. He will also explain why it is so important that homeowners and communities consciously make landscaping decisions that enhance the appeal of their properties to wildlife. […]

Bird Identification Without Binoculars: Part 2

  The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. Joe Suchecki, The Springbrook Birder, brings us part two of his introduction to birding by ear-identifying birds by listening to their songs, calls, chip notes, and non-vocal sounds. Sounds travel far, and tuning into them will allow you to identify a lot more bird species, including those that look similar to each other, and those that skulk in hard-to-see-places. With about 250 species appearing in our area, Joe prevents you from feeling overwhelmed and gets you started in methods for learning to open your ears and […]

Mini-Tutorial: Bird Identification without Binoculars: Part 1

  The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. Joe Suchecki, The Springbrook Birder, returns with a two-part mini-tutorial on birding by ear-identifying birds by listening to their songs, calls, chip notes, and non-vocal sounds. Each bird species has its own unique set of sounds. Learn some basics about bird communication and the difference between a song and a call, including examples from the American Robin and Bobolink. Then tune in for part two, coming soon! For more on birds and birding in DuPage County, visit​. As meetings and field trips have been altered […]
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