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Upcoming Outreach Presentation: Landscaping for Birds & Pollinators
Landscaping for Birds & Pollinators will be presented by Denis Kania, DuPage Birding Club and Instructor with The Morton Arboretum, on Sunday, April 25, 1:00pm-4:00pm. You’ve made the decision to landscape for nature, but how we landscape and the features in our yards can have varying levels of benefit for local wildlife. Both bird and insect populations are declining, but collectively we can make small changes at home that have positive environmental impacts. Learn about the right plants, trees and shrubs that attract pollinators and provide food and shelter for birds. Learn what management practices will enhance the quality of […]
Upcoming Outreach Presentation: Identifying Spring Warblers
In a virtual meeting via Zoom, former president of the DuPage Birding Club, Denis Kania, offers help in “Identifying Spring Warblers”. Hosted by Kane County Audubon on Wednesday, April 7, at 7PM. Pre-registration is required. For more info contact John Sprovieri 630.776.0924
Mini-Tutorial: Binoculars by the Numbers
The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. Mini-tutorial on getting better acquainted with your binoculars. Selecting binoculars is a series of trade-offs that depends on the type of birding you’d like to do, comfort, and budget. Denis Kania explains binocular specifications, including magnification and objective lens and their 1:5 ratio “sweet spot.” In a comparison of images, he explains how these characteristics interact and how your field of view shrinks as you increase magnification. He moves on to an important tip for eyeglass wearers and tells you how to set your binoculars’ diopter […]