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2021 Spring Bird Count – May 8th
The annual Spring Bird Count will take place across Illinois on Saturday, May 8, 2021. The DuPage Birding Club organizes participation in the count for DuPage County. Expect additional information on the DBC website and in the April edition of Drummings. Joe Suchecki will again organize and compile the count for the club.
Mini-Tutorial: Snow Bunting, Longspurs, & the Horned Lark
The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. Mini-tutorial covering some birds you might find along the more open, rural DuPage County roadsides in winter: Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur, and an all-year resident species, the Horned Lark. Smith’s Longspur is also covered, although they are seldom seen in our area. Found in sites with a lot of wide open space, like agricultural fields or prairies, learn to distinguish these birds based on bill shape, facial and other markings, and coloration (which can be hard to distinguish from a distance on a chill, gray winter’s […]
DBC Paintbox rolls out for budding bird artists
The DBC Outreach team is pleased to introduce DBC Paintbox, a color-by-number series of bird images that guides the budding bird artist in bringing a beautiful bird image to life. The drawings are highly detailed, which helps the artist learn the parts of the bird. Many birders practice drawing birds to force themselves to look carefully at all parts of the bird. The first three birds in the Paintbox series are American Goldfinch, Downy Woodpecker, and Mallard with more to follow. The concept and illustrations were created by DBC member Di Lan Johnson with support from the Outreach team. Thank […]