
Featured News

DBC’s Spring 2024 Photography Contest Winners Set a High Bar

With more than 50 beautiful photos submitted, the Photography Contest Judges had a really tough time selecting this quarter's winners. The entries were judged by Andie Duffy, Steve Constantelos, Natalie McFaul, Thelma Hulka, and Mike Warner. Best of Show went to Tim Duitsman for his stunning photo of a Cedar Waxwing about to nab a Cicada.

Go to Members Photo Gallery to see the winning photos only.

More Recent News

YouTube Tutorial: House Finch vs. Purple Finch

The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. This week we launch the mini-tutorial comparing two feeder-visiting finches, the House Finch and the Purple Finch. Presented by Denis Kania. As meetings and field trips have been canceled for the short term due to the Covid-19 quarantine the Board offers a way to connect with you and enrich your birding experience. We are tapping the expertise of DBC President Denis Kania, who will record a range of Mini-Tutorials to provide bird identification strategies for challenging birds, tips for using our checklist, understanding parts of a bird, […]

DuPage Birding Hotspots Debut

Ready for a deep dive into some of the county’s best birding haunts led by the people who know them best? We’ve tapped the expertise of club members who know key sites really well, as site stewards or dedicated birders with a passion for the location.  When to go, how to work the trails, what birds are there and when, and what conditions we might encounter—it’s all there in Birding Hotspots.

Hairy Woodpecker vs. Downy Woodpecker

In the absence of our regular meetings and field trips, the DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. This week we launch the mini-tutorial giving ID tips for two similar woodpeckers, the Hairy Woodpecker and Downy Woodpecker. Presented by Denis Kania. As meetings and field trips have been canceled for the short term due to the Covid-19 quarantine the Board offers a way to connect with you and enrich your birding experience. We are tapping the expertise of DBC President Denis Kania, who will record a range of Mini-Tutorials to provide bird identification strategies for […]
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