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Urban Birding Festival Debuts in September
Chicagoland birders will be out in force the weekend of September 14-15 as the first Urban Birding Festival gets under way. The agenda includes presentations Saturday and Sunday at the Peggy Noteabart Museum, a host of field trips and big sits around the city on both days, and a brewpub dinner Saturday night. This festive weekend is a collaboration of Chicago Ornithological Society, Chicago Bird Alliance, Feminist Bird Club Chicago, BIPOC Birders, and Red Hill Birding. DBC will be represented as a member of the Bird Conservation Network, a sponsor of the event. For tickets and information, visit
News from the DuPage Forest Preserve
The DuPage Forest Preserve was lauded in an article on May 16, 2024, in The Daily Herald for its commitment to sustainable practices. Titled DuPage Forest Preserve Takes in More Carbon than it Emits, the article cited the electric golf cart solar recharging building, geothermal at the new Willowbrook Wildlife Center, and other solar projects. Upcoming efforts include installing solar for the District headquarters and landfill gas to be harnessed into natural gas for clean electric energy. Clean air, water, and land are essential for the District mission to protect the natural environment for healthy habitats in DuPage County.
An Opportunity to help our Forest Preserve District
DBC members can help in the restoration and management of habitat for birds in our DuPage County Forest Preserves while having fun at the same time. The Friends of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, the 501 (C) (3) charitable organization that raises private donations to support District programs, is holding two fundraising and fun events in September. All monies raised will be used to restore and manage wildlife habitat in the County. The first event is a rubber Duck Race on September 5 at St. James Farm Forest Preserve. You can purchase a duck to enter the race […]