
Featured News

Annual Spring Bird Count, Saturday, May 10

Hold the date and plan to participate in the 2025 Spring Bird Count (SBC) in DuPage County on Saturday, May 10. The SBC is held annually throughout Illinois around the first weekend in May and is intended to provide some information and data on early spring bird migration throughout Illinois. The SBC also is a great opportunity for birders of all skill levels to get out in the field and look for all those great and colorful spring migrants moving through northeastern Illinois. The DuPage Birding Club coordinates the spring count efforts in DuPage County, and last year we recorded 170 species on spring count day.

For information on participating, contact Joe Suchecki at

More Recent News

An Annual Review of Birding in 2019

  DBC member and Daily Herald columnist Jeff Reiter recaps the joys, disappointments, and surprises Chicagoland birding offered in 2019. As Jeff said in his annual review “The 2019 birding year wasn’t boring.” He reviews and reminds us of some of the most interesting rarities and birding events from the last year. Jeff Reiter’s full column is at his Words on Birds blog and the newspaper column about birds, birding and birders, in the Daily Herald (west suburban Chicago) on January 3rd.

Daily Herald Taps DBC on Crows

Burt Constable contacted the DuPage Birding Club for information on the reduced numbers of American Crows in our neighborhoods. Members were consulted for this story on crows appearing in the February 4th column in the Daily Herald. Denis Kania and Diann Bilderback are quoted, and the club gets a mention.  Daily Herald

Club Member Jeff Smith Profiled

DBC member Jeff Smith was recently profiled on the DuPage County Forest Preserve’s website in their “Catching Nature” blog.  Jeff is a 2019 recipient of the DBC Distinguished Achievement Award, past president of the club, and one of the leaders of the Greene Valley Hawkwatch.  Congratulations, Jeff, on this great story! We’re proud to count you among us.
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