
Featured News

Happy 40th Birthday to DBC!

It's a milestone year for the DuPage Birding Club! On January 14, the Club will have been in existence for 40 years! That's pretty impressive longevity for an all-volunteer organization whose members belong simply (and renew their membership each year) because they love watching, hearing, and learning about birds! Kudos to the 21 founding members who saw a need and had a vision, and kudos to the 40 leadership teams who have created programs, field trips and other activities that have kept us interested.

More Recent News

First Quarter Outreach Programs

The DuPage Birding Club is proud to announce the Outreach Programs for the first quarter. Topics include Helping Birds in Your Own Backyard, Beginning Birdwatching (in English and Spanish), Attracting Hummingbirds and Perils of Bird Migration. For additional program information and registration details go to the Learn About Birds/Outreach.          

Announcing: DuPage Birding Club Photo Contest

The DuPage Birding Club is proud to announce its first bird photography contest! The DBC is looking for pictures of birds taken between December 1, 2021 and February 28, 2022. Photographs will be judged by a small team of DBC members. All photos are welcome: amateur, funny, imperfect, high-quality. The “story behind the shot” will be taken into account when judging. The judges want this to be a fun contest; no categories have been defined for award-winners so every entry has a chance to win! The contest is open to DBC members only. Photos may be taken anywhere (not just […]

2021 Greene Valley Hawkwatch Results

Volunteers for the 2021 Greene Valley Hawkwatch logged 1883 hours and spotted 89 species of birds in this 16th annual survey of migrating hawks and other birds.  Highlights included four flyover Whooping Cranes and a high count of 41 Red- houldered Hawks.  
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