
Featured News

DBC’s Spring 2024 Photography Contest Winners Set a High Bar

With more than 50 beautiful photos submitted, the Photography Contest Judges had a really tough time selecting this quarter's winners. The entries were judged by Andie Duffy, Steve Constantelos, Natalie McFaul, Thelma Hulka, and Mike Warner. Best of Show went to Tim Duitsman for his stunning photo of a Cedar Waxwing about to nab a Cicada.

Go to Members Photo Gallery to see the winning photos only.

More Recent News

DBC is First Platinum Sponsor of “Monty and Rose II”

DuPage Birding Club has donated $500 to the making of a film sequel to the 2019 film documenting the exciting story of Monty and Rose, who last year became the first nesting pair of Piping Plovers in the Chicago region in more than 60 years. As many of you probably already know, the pair returned to Montrose Beach this summer and successfully fledged three chicks.  The exciting news is that Esperanza and Hazel, two of the banded fledglings, were seen and photographed on a beach in Georgia! Plover champion Bob Dolgan is currently raising funds to make a sequel to the […]

YouTube Tutorial: Vireos Without Wingbars

The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. This week Denis Kania  acquaints us with DuPage vireos without wingbars: the Red-eyed, Warbling, and Philadelphia Vireo. Plus, a bonus bird also lacking wingbars, the Tennessee Warbler! As meetings and field trips have been altered for the short term due to the Covid-19 the Board offers a way to connect with you and enrich your birding experience. Several Mini-tutorials are live and focus on: The updated checklist of birds in DuPage; the return of Ospry in DuPage; the Tanagers; Hairy vs. Downy Woodpeckers; Pine Warbler vs. Yellow-throated […]

YouTube Tutorial: Attracting Hummingbirds

The DBC Board is pleased to present Mini-Tutorials on the DBC YouTube Channel. This week Hummingbird aficionado, Denis Kania, shares his love and wisdom about these miraculous birds. After a world perspective, we delve into our Midwestern species, the Ruby-throated Hummingbird: how to attract them, food sources, favorite plants, mixing nectar for them, cleaning your feeder, mortality, courtship, and nesting. For an expanded version of this mini-tutorial, complete with Q&A visit: This was recorded by the Wheaton Public Library on August 5, 2020. As meetings and field trips have been altered for the short term due to the Covid-19 […]
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